Wednesday, April 12, 2006

诗字 四月(3)

Revolution 创世纪

Anything that works against the flow of norm, I call that evolution.

尝试逆向行动 (你这么勇敢?)
翻转世纪风潮 (Dare you! )
鹤立鸡群, 神龙摆尾
沸腾浑浊恶世 (愚蠢众生!)
诺亚方舟一条船,一个人, 与满船的野兽

To break through the flow of norm, imbalance that system

尝试制造逆转的空间 (无限之后一个句号可以制止吗?)
虎落泉阳被狗欺 (你创什么创?)
人绝后, 只有动物的繁衍

Explode the universe, Bang Bang!! Reform this tiny little speck of dust

等待民主选举的票数 (你买黄牛票?)
愚民政策正好施行 (Your Majesty !)
无国界成立了联合国 (地球就会因此而统一吗?)
根据神旨: 你,并没有创世纪的运数!

evolution, revolution, reformation, transformation, alteration, insurrection, conversion, development, innovation, modernization, rebellion, insurgence, revulsion, repulsion, Go to a fortune teller, and he will tell you he does not recognize any of these words, get a mate, make some fortune, and forget all these tions. Please pay what you think fit, Thank you!

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