(i) black little mute device
我想象提琴特务 / 工具装上灭音器 / 弓箭涂上火药 / 紧身黑羽衣银面具 / 深夜躜跃 露台 / 一家一家窗外关上厚窗布 / 不动声色经略 / 带着提琴武器 / 无息 / 迎向暖慵夜风 / 以月亮底下屋顶为目的 / 柔暖姿态徐徐站立 / 整气 / 左肩架上提琴,用深藏的微笑 / 发射火药 / 屋檐下的敌人被暗器射穿 / 却毫无知觉继续看连续剧无聊听歌闲谈上网阅报打呼噜造爱冲凉宵夜发呆做梦铺床 / 提琴特务向武器吹口气:呼! / 再欣赏最新装置的小型小巧灭音器 / 午夜十二时 / 月亮正圆润 / 特务无声微笑 / 他们却死得不清不楚不明不白
提琴小二愈发怪僻 / 我想它被宠坏了 / 常常喜欢 独占一个电梯 / 一个夜间泳池 / 冷门电影院的一排暖椅 / 快餐厅一个餐桌 / 一辆汽车 / 一个工作岗位 / 公园一个跑道 / 一间公寓 / 甚至讨厌minus 1 / 它不是不喜欢钢琴相伴 / 但费事与之切磋 / 还是弄得自己很瘀 (老师衔头: Bachelor of music, LRSM, LTCL, LLCM, ATCL, ALCM, ALCM(TD), DipABRSM, DipLCM in vin and pn and fl)/ 提琴小二独立 / 老师录制许多段的minus 1 / 躺在muvo MP3 或电脑笔记里 / 因此忧伤
(iii) peter’s worry
the pieces i play, peter played them at the age of 6 / the mistakes i made lately , peter corrected his while he was in his primary / he teaches me physic while i am doing music / he says you are doing fine but I can see he is trying hard / i think peter worries : / you don’t practice enough / your bows are not sharp / your fingers crooked / and you may lost interest / and he stops and pauses and walks out the room / and i got to rebow everything without any postpone / because peter’s worry / i think i should bear the responsibility / ( let’s just have a sip of tea, and be ease and easy / after all, my violin is patient enough to wait for me~ ) / so i assure peter let it be / but peter says the same thing to me! and he thinks i am the one who’s worry…/ oops !
(dedicated to my music teacher, as he’d just got my blog address and said he will read over my childish poems ~)