Wednesday, May 13, 2009

意会 5月

short notes:

Isolation, is always good for penetrating into life and contemplating it, as I refer it in its physical or spiritual form. But since when do I start to attach to someone,something, somewhere or even some atmosphere mentally or physically or both just to and comfort? In one way we think we need to stay "contact" with worldly conditions to feel alive, but of all times we yearn for more freedom being with our self. Alone, hence becomes paradoxical.

One can easily acquire knowledge through education, but one can never learn any common sense through this system. Funny, I started realizing the distinction between both items clearer and clearer each day (for the past few months).

Quitting, is never my style. But when I let go , please do understand it doesn't mean I couldn't take charge of the circumstances, nor it's not worth holding on any more. It is just it. Or maybe I am losing self, or maybe I have paid the price.


JerryWho said...


are you in china already!?

Ymoon Yeemun Oon 温绮雯 said...

hello, jerry big brother:

ya, been here since last sept.

how are you guys? :)

kumori said...


kumori said...


不坏 said...




kumori said...

dear Ewan,
I can read my blog but can't sign in....sad....thanks for "touring" here... i wish i can visit your site more often....
“and also thanks james being my "messanger”這一句是yee moon 姐姐要我寫的!